Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Copy Landscapes

Resist the temptation to be UNIQUE in your landscape. It will slow you down, and fail. You & your landscape are inherently unique. It's already there. Lipstick-on-a-pig when you 'add' uniqueness.
I fell in love with Susanne Hudson's little cloche's, miniature tools & wood shelves, above.
All year I've been collecting, above/below,
old wood shelves, antique English lead garden pieces & little cloches. Soon, they will be in my new conservatory. Just like Susanne Hudson.
Poppets, everything in my garden is copied from somewhere. EVERYTHING.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Every effort at uniqueness does not fail, obviously. Don't let me sway you from trying something deep in your passionate soul bursting to get out. Ironically, uniqueness arrives in my garden when I DON'T try.


  1. Always a great new/old idea. One of my very favorite blogs is still yours.

  2. So true, and really, they say there is no such thing as an original idea......everything comes from something!
