Friday, November 12, 2010

Southern Living Magazine: Clear Winner

When I design landscapes I must see pictures of gardens you like, and dislike.Women, men, widowed, single, divorced, all ages, starter home, mansion, city, country, heterosexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, whatever, this garden is the clear winner.
Yesterday's client, yep ! Saved this pic since its debut.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken of Southern Living magazine photo at my jobsite yesterday.
Why does this garden resonate? Good Design: canopy trees, understory trees, evergreen walls, groundcover flooring, layers of green (contrasting in texture/color), hi density & low density. Paths, seating, water, sky, intuitively low maintenance plantings.
Do you know why hi & low density are potent? Pollinators............


  1. The photo is from SL 1997. I believe this is an Atlanta property near Capital City Club. There is a garden house with a stained glass window among many other glorious features.

    I need to decide who gets to inherit my many notebooks filled with this kind of clippings or whether to dump them now so my DIL doesn't laugh over them.

  2. Hi Tara

    Such a beautiful view.

    It takes a seriously good eye/understanding to put that together. To be honest, I could just sit there taking it all in, and like my cats, be reluctant to ever come back into the house!

    Have a good weekend.

  3. I am realizing how much thought went into this beautiful garden.
    You really have to know what you are doing to plan it so well.

  4. And the Dog. It is a welcoming garden, and welcoming gardens have beasties.
