Saturday, November 27, 2010

Landscape Views

"The aim of an artist is not to solve a problem irrefutably, but to make people love life in all its countless, inexhaustible manifestations." Leo Tolstoy The subdivision is tiny, my frontyard minuscule, above & below.

Ideas, field gathered in gardens across Europe, books, & friends gardens.My office ensorceled with a crenellated hedge, above.
View from my garage, above. Every window & door, the same choice; beauty. I didn't realize making a choice for beauty, from all views, would become a moat of grace around life. Affect how I design landscapes, interact with people, gain perspective.
Choosing beauty is choosing grace.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Helen Mirren is Tolstoy's wife here, loved this movie. Poor PUPPET BARBUDA driving about town, exhausted at the views of homes & gardens with the worst possible choice, keeping the landscape the builder put in. It's not about getting rid of everything and starting over in a landscape. Plants can be moved & bedlines changed. Yes, PUPPET BARBUDA knows this would be a fabulous TV garden show. Using What You Have, & Rescue, Landscape Design !!!


  1. I love the quote.

    And I love the way of life; choosing beauty.

    People have often said that of my way of life, my photography--of seeing.

    Thank You for sharing your beauty.

  2. One place I disagree with Anthony Bourdain is on Sandra Lee on the food ntwk - her show "Semi-homemade" is about making a good meal with part already-prepared food and fresh food.

    Yes, a show (and book) on adapting builder-provided landscapes would be valuable. Esp if it explores what is practical to keep vs demo / haul, and why...

  3. "Choosing beauty is choosing grace." Wisdom

  4. So true and so important. Love your comments on the typical landscape "designers" need to rip everything out and start over.....really good plant choices and designs should look good in almost any spot they are placed! BTW, I have the smaller version of the brown and green pot in the top picture....

  5. Choosing beauty is not just choosing grace- it welcomes wisdom.
