Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Are You Interesting?

From the garden, below, it's obvious I want to know this woman.Her details seduced me before she opened her frontdoor.
Indeed, CHANTEUSE exceeds expectation. Trim, tiny, well-dressed, deep sexy voice, wicked funny, athletic & in her earliest 60's, matriarch, with a true southern accent spewing intellectual bon mots, hardworking lawyer, she knows how to have fun, handle good scotch, & tell her husband, "This is my garden designer, I hired her, you can leave the room." (He did.)
After I said her fence looked stupid, painted white, CHANTEUSE fell in love with me.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Poppets, are you interesting from your garden views?


  1. Who wouldn't love you. You are a very intresting and creative, talented young and pretty woman..


  2. Right now I am sans garden and sans view. So I guess the short answer is 'no'.

    I am making a mental vow that my next garden will seem (and perhaps actually be) interesting....

    Christine in Alaska, boring
