Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Architecture in Macon, GA

W. Elliott Dunwody, Jr., FAIA, 1893-1986, designed this home ca. 1920. Not large, it's huge in perfection. Until 5 years ago it was untouched, including its single bathroom; above the front door.Exterior architectural details, below, Dunwody designed, remain.
Room, above, (shown from opposite direction yesterday) has 3 walls of windows. The room above it has 3 walls of windows too. Both rooms have a fireplace.
A living room, above, with 2 walls of windows; facing frontyard & facing backyard. None of the rooms are large, that's much too easy. Each room is scaled to nurture/enrich the human soul.
Dunwody may have designed & built homes but his genius was building lives.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Same home/garden as yesterday's post.


  1. I love those nurturing rooms.
    Perfectly sized for contentment.

  2. Hello Tara!
    I love this house...probably because I love LOTS of windows and things that are different. I don't care if a room isn't big as long as it has LOTS of windows. It would be lovely to have a room that had 3 walls of windows wouldn't it especially if one wall had French doors leading out into a beautiful garden. Sigh. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
    Maura :)

  3. The "better" neighborhoods across America are dotted with great houses like this. Straightforward and restrained.

  4. Now this is my kind of house - perfect size, age and style...stunning!

  5. This house was built for me. I think it is wonderful, got to ad a bathroom.
    Love your new header, such a
    dreamy spot.

  6. Wow Tara, flashback! I saw this picture on my blog roll and thought it was our old house in Connecticut. I wish I had seem this photo when I lived there, I would have tweeked it a bit to look just like this. Beautiful!

    Love the detail and your reference to the architect 'building lives' true!!

    Jeanne xx

  7. Gorgeous- those windows are incredible!

  8. My MILs last house was one like this. It was built by an architect for him and his wife. It was perfect for two people. Big space where you lived (then living room with dining separated by arches) and the master bedroom. Beautiful details everywhere. Small, jewel like, perfect. It will always be special in my heart because my husband and I were married there.
