Monday, September 13, 2010

Shotgun Lot

Only a few feet from this window, below, are the neighbors, below.

From a front room view, below, see the brick chimney? It's where this antebellum home was 1st located. As family fortune increased they built a new antebellum home on the same site, moving this home to its current location.

In the same room, as above, another view, below, on a different wall.

With a smile & sparkle she proclaimed her home the "first mobile home in Athens, GA."
Yes, poppets, this is the same home as in the previous post.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last month in Athens, GA. Stay tuned for more interior shots. Beautiful views from shotgun lots are among the hardest achieved.


  1. hi tara,

    i wish i had the funds to pick up my house and turn it about ten feet to the left. 10 ft.


  2. I am astonished how they can move a two story house. Athens looks like it has some beautiful homes.
    The house doesn't even feel like the old one.

