Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kerry Ann Mendez: Author, Speaker, Designer

The Ultimate Flower Gardener's TOP TEN LISTS, 70 Garden-Transforming Lists, Money Saving Shortcuts, Design Tips & Smart Plant Picks for Zones 3, 4 and 5. By Kerry Ann Mendez.Warning: Kerry Mendez is explosive. She's on fire for gardening. When lecturing she emits a direct electrical current to your mind/heart. (Which, unfortunately, travels to your checkbook!)
The 8th Annual Great Gardens & Landscaping Symposium, April 1-2, 2011, at The Equinox, Manchester, VT, is not to be missed. (Another talent of Kerry's, she created & produces the symposium. Great speakers, sponsors, location, food.)
Kerry's book, above, is for gardeners in ANY zone/continent with myriad real-world-practical-helpful garden tips.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics by Kerry taken in her garden. I love/adore Kerry. There's only 1 problem, we live sooooooo far apart ! You know the type of speaker that motivates you into a garden center within 24 hours after hearing them? That's Kerry.


  1. How beautiful. Dreaming of the second garden...

  2. Hi, Tara,
    Thank you for blogging about gardening. I love your ideas and had to comment when I read your post about Kerry Mendez. I heard Kerry speak at the Philadelphia Flower Show and had just your reaction. She was FANTASTIC. So, I got in touch with her and said, I know you live in upstate New York and I live in the suburbs of Washington, DC but you have to come and share your magic with me and my friends in our gardens. It was one of the very best times of my life. She came down for a day and a half day and was booked solid and on her night here was so gracious as to have dinner with the group of us. I mean a completely AMAZING, AMAZING garden experience.
    Thanks for letting me share.

  3. Love the way the flowers are arranged by theheight, it looks great

  4. Thanks Tara! I will mark this on my calander as it is only 2.5 hours away from our house in NH! Sounds wonderful!

