Saturday, September 18, 2010

Great Dixter

Centuries old, reconditioned by Sir Edwin Lutyens, Great Dixter, below, became famous for its gardens thanks to Christopher Lloyd, below right. He lived his entire life here.
Fergus Garrett, above, continues, as planned, Great Dixter's garden, now open to the public.

When I saw this garden room, above, at Great Dixter I knew it was the most important garden room I'd ever visited. Almost 2 decades later, it still is.

Succession plantings are the style at Great Dixter. Something new always coming into bloom. Mulch is not needed the plantings are so layered & thick.

Each of Great Dixer's garden rooms is pure opera. But that's too easy. The opera changes daily. Hourly.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken from Great Dixter, and, Intercontinental Gardener blog. Christopher Lloyd wrote many books.............and you want them all. Alas, all my Great Dixter pics are still slides. Luckily I volunteered at a garden symposium and was able to spend time with Christopher Lloyd many moons ago.
Classes & seminars are taught at Great Dixter.
That incredible garden room? Did it speak to you too?


  1. Oh so beautiful- too beautiful for words really......thank you for this lovely little tour.

  2. Spending time with Christo Lloyd, lucky you.

    I've got three of his books and love his writing style.

    It's Great Dixter's 'fault' that I've started young plants of Verbascum bombyciferum (a la the first pic) and now have the dilema of where to put them!

  3. That is amazing garden.I could stay there for days.
