Thursday, September 2, 2010

Create Seductive Doorways

Invite people thru your garden with doorways. Use a pair of pots, pair of vertical stones, pair of plinths, pair evergreen shrubs, arbor & etc. Drama of a step, narrowing to the path, above, less than 3' wide, lines of boxwood creating a hallway. Focal point on axis, creating a foyer and
beyond is another fabulous living room.
Doorway, top pic, leads from the terrace in yesterday's post.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
It is this simple. Doorway, landing, hallway, foyer, living room. Gorgeous & low maintenance too.


  1. Like the boxwood treatment. Nice...But then you always give us good advice.


  2. This garden is the epitome of you and your theories on focal points and axis- I'd bet there is no possible way to take a *bad* photo of it-thanks for sharing more images!
