Friday, September 10, 2010

Accessorized For 2 Views

Afficionado of lamps, old baskets & how others accessorize their tables I knew before going into her home it was going to be inspiring.
Intuitively she knew to accessorize in 2 views; from the garden & from the house. Majority rustic antiques with hints of antique crystal & silver, yes, I knew I had to see the rest of this house & garden. More importantly, to know the person behind the magic.
The garden is teeny/tiny. You don't know that from her views out. Instead her tiny garden becomes paintings on the wall.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics from the same home & garden as yesterday, taken last month. Can't wait to show you more tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Tara!
    I love your ideas of how a person should see their garden from the inside and out. I just realized the other day that this is how I viewd our little cottage garden we had in the city. I used to sit on the front porch and visualize how things should look from my point of view and also would do that as I sat in the dining room window looking out. We had a picket fence that surrounded just the garden so it acted as a back drop from the window. Now that I've been following your blog and learning from you I realized that I had done just what you teach us to do and I didn't even realize it! I'm so looking forward to getting up our picket fence here in the country and starting a garden. It's going to be a BIG challenge but with your idea's and advice I'm sure I'll do ok. Thank you for your wonderful inspiring photo's and advice! Have a wonderful weekend. Maura :)
