Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Whence Creativity?

Curves of nature. Spit of rock, below, in the stream. A lovely marquis shape to plant hosta along a path in your woodland. Perhaps the far shore is Azalea 'George Tabor' & the marquis shape a drift of helleborus. Understory trees planted where 2 or 3 of the larger stones arise from the stream.
Distributions of ironweed, Joe Pye weed, and more, in the Kentucky field, above, another template. Perhaps for a perennial border or a mixed border.
I adore reading nature at its purest for copying into Landscape Design.
Are you a Garden Whisperer too?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last weekend in Kentucky.


  1. Gardens that mimic nature are the most relaxing and beautiful.

  2. Mother Nature is the master!
    We all copy from her.

  3. I have relatives in Kentucky and love traveling through the State ... your photos are great!

  4. I would like to be! What a career that would be.

  5. Envying the dream-come-true story; love your appreciation of it and the expression of your curiosity: "know the life swirling while the wall was being built."

    Lovely post.

    Jane in Ohio
