Monday, August 30, 2010

Landscape Design: Focal Point, Axis

Moments after seeing a subsidiary focal point (previous post) I see this charming bronze hat, below. DRAMA !! She's a terrace level below & gazing along a rill at yet another terrace level. (Counting? Yes, 3 terraces.) Down the steps, below, finally I see her. (She's backed with creeping fig.)
When she opens her eyes

she sees this, above.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
The rill reminded me of Helen Dillon's garden in Ireland, before she paved the lawn of course. I mentioned this to the owner & yes she had been to Helen's garden.
Instead of buying a 2nd home the owners of this garden bought the house next door, demolished it, and created their dream garden.


  1. Oh to have a focal point such as she in the garden! Beautiful.

  2. Thanks for yet another great axis to start the week! Is this garden in GA, or ---?

    Geographic reference please, Ms Barbuda.

  3. Hi Tara!

    Oh my...I'm trying to take all this info in and retain it for when we start our little cottage garden...eventually. I've gone back over all the posts dealing with this particular home and garden just to make sure I didn't miss anything! I hope you have a wonderful week...Maura :)

  4. Love the "girl" in the garden AND the garden as well...
