Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kitchen View

Birdhouse condos, below. View from deck.
Still lifes are imperative for this landscape. Deck is viewed from the Garden Room & Kitchen. Is the deck used? As a destination for the eye, yes.

From inside the Kitchen (& Garden Room), below, EDUCATOR watched a pair of bluebirds build their nest & raise their young this spring.

This simple joy, a huge victory.
Sometimes the hand of G-d takes control of our life. Sinking into a garden let's me trust that hand. Watching it in the life of a friend is humbling.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken yesterday in EDUCATOR's home/garden. Client, & now a friend of several years, she is able to maintain her garden with unskilled (aka: affordable) labor. More....


  1. What a lovely view from the window and the birds are entertainment...you can't beat that! I'm looking forward to seeing more. Enjoy your day Tara...Maura :)

  2. I have bird condos, but I think the wasps have taken them over. I'll have to stage a war of sorts.

  3. I have too much stuff on my deck. I must reorganize.

  4. Our favorite backyard birds to watch are cardinals. The red male, the paler female, mating for life, You never see one without the other. Just wait. The partner will be flying back soon.
