Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Foyer Speak

Meeting a new client, for the first time, in their foyer is intense. My eyes are chewing up the scenery, wheels in the brain spinning.Personality in foyer decor is at the top of unspoken clues I have for Landscape Design.
Style, color, completion, tired, alive, dead space, friendly, cold, careless, anal, lamps, lamp cords, sconces, lamp shades, hardware, flow, interesting, boring, layered, halltree, chest, desk, secretary, books, art, flooring, switch plates, builder's original lighting or new, dogs, cats, children, music, fragrance, & etc.
Attention to detail in the foyer predicts attention to detail in the landscape.
Landscape design must give hints of the foyer. Who you are begins at the curb.

Layers of Vanishing Threshold.
You got this layer covered?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Foyer, above, by interior designer Susan Burks. Designing her landscape was a joy, her interiors already welcoming me at the curb.


  1. Great reminder this morning, now that fall is just around the corner, I'm ready to change things up a bit! You've inspired me to get going on that project!

  2. Foyer, first contact...all first impressions with clues, if prospective client regards outdoor spaces like their interior spaces. Very rare here, tho.

    I need to look back at past A vs. B vs. C clients and see if I missed what their foyers told me. (or entries, first phone calls, etc)

