Friday, July 30, 2010

Tuteur & Drama

Cone shapes draw the eye in landscapes. Charming tuteur, below, buta subtle color.
Imagine if each tuteur were bright yellow or red. Changes the garden, yes?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic from the same garden as yesterday's post. My client made these tuteurs. Notice the drama of tuteurs in pots. The Anna Belle hydrangeas are a victory in this drought & hi temps & sun.


  1. You sent me to the dictionary, didn't know they had an official French name. Just spent a morning in a waiting room of Piedmont Hospital right next to a tuteur. I wanted to take it home with me.

  2. Good Morning Tara, You're so right! Those tuteur's would totally 'take away' from the beautiful garden if they were bright they blend and add to the interest. Such good advice...thank you! Have a wonderful day and weekend...Maura

  3. Beautiful! I love their color! Did the same carpenter install the stunning gate above? Both are so well done!

    Have a wonderful day,

  4. Might we have the name of this color? It's just perfect!

