Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tara Turf & A Big Mouth

Tara Turf, below. Meadow of whatever the wind blows in & bulbs-clover-herbs-whatever you want, mown at different heights. (Discovered during my first garden study tour in Europe almost 2 decades ago.) Sunday, a client's soiree. She invited dozens. Meeting a delightful man & describing to him Tara Turf. Further,
telling him 'some locals' did not want her to have Tara Turf, aka meadow. Too many problems with tall meadows 'they' said. Full sail, go Tara Go, describing Tara Turf's fabulousity.
Tara Talk personified, fully Tara'izing.
Dahlings, you KNOW what's coming.
That man? Quietly said, "I cut these fields for decades."
Hmm. THE local. Hmm. Exit quickly. Silly girl, into another social pickle. Find Rabbit Hole in the meadow quickly....
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last Sunday at Hedgerow Farm. I adore Tara Turf: pollinator garden, no irrigation, no chemicals, fragrant, little mowing, gorgeous, fabulous. Tara Turf has worked for centuries throughout the globe. I adore history.


  1. :) So cute!! Happy weekend, Tara. Lidy

  2. Don't stay in it to long..sounds like they need you to keep them on their toes!!


    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend Tara!
