Saturday, July 3, 2010

Houseplants 101

Why I don't, below, have houseplants. Except, 2 years ago 2 Christmas cactus 'spoke'. My 1st nursery job (required: red shirt/kaki pants) was director of houseplants. When my 1st order arrived, a full 18-wheeler, you know who unloaded, into overtime, the whole truck. (Poppets this was before the days of immigrant labor. A college degree punching a time-clock & unloading trucks. Should we discuss my parent's horror? To this day, they abhor my career choice.)

It wasn't long before I was an expert on houseplants. Great JOY when Amy Leigh of

GROWING PLANTS INDOORS was discovered. This girl's ON FIRE !!
If you are growing plants indoors then go to Amy Leigh for inspiration or help.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Happy to have the Christmas cactus but I've yet to wear a red shirt or sweater again. And I loved the job. Don't miss the 2 1/2 years of going to bed at 8:30pm everynite, bone tired; in my 20's.
Top pic: Henry, newest member of my family, he arrived early last month. Found in Susanne Hudson's garden in Douglasville. Perfect provenance !!


  1. I love Henry! He will grow up to be a fine specimen of a cat. His curiosity about your taking his picture will take him far. Very much like my Chaucer, a fine orange tabby who is now 16 years old. Keep us posted on Henry's growing up.

  2. I had house plants, but it's difficult with cats and let's not forget to mention the puppy. I've given up for now and focus on the outdoors. I know my time will come!

  3. I will be soon enough and now I have a great resource.
    Thanks Tara!!

    Best wishes for a wonderful 4th of July!

