Monday, July 12, 2010

Gypsy Chicken Caravan

On axis, below, with a dining room view a Gypsy Chicken Caravan. Literally !! On wheels, it moves daily.

Hedgerow Farm makes it seem easy.
If the eggs aren't washed they can be stored at room temp. Did you know that? It was news to me.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Just realized Hedgerow Farm should be my first posted video. You would love seeing this petite Snow White look-alike, dolled-up in her fabulous form fitting jeans, cowboy boots, sunglasses, talking & laughing as she moves her Gypsy Chicken Caravan. Pics taken last month at Hedgerow Farm.
Out that dining room window? Ugh, 2 huge A/C units, huge generator, & etc... No worries, I've designed the solution. Will post as it's built.


  1. My husband and I talked about this very thing recently. Yours turned out GREAT! Now we just have to see if chickens are allowed within our small city limits. Great job guys.

  2. A gypsy caravan!! Wonderful!!

    And no, I certainly didn't know that about eggs. They are always so pretty, it does seem a shame to hide them away in the refrigerator!

  3. The egg washing info was new to me. We are moving soon and my next garden will have chickens. Bantams only because I am slightly afraid of the big ones. I was chased by a goose and bitten as a kid and all feathered barnyard residents freak me out just a little bit.

    Christine in Alaska
