Friday, July 23, 2010


Historic light fixtures were
often diminutive. Keeping the original says a lot.

This original light fixture, above, told me volumes about my client before meeting her. Of course the entire entry reeks of quiet elegance, intellect, narrative & confidence. What do you want your entry to say about you?

Had to share Peaches, (she lives here) a rescue, above, with you. Intellect? Ha, Peaches has her owner firmly under control.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Hi Tara, I LOVE this entry...quiet elegance is a perfect description. I'd love our entry to say a 'warm welcome' but right now it says 'run down old porch'! If all goes well our plan is to tear the old porch off and put in a screened porch. We don't use our front door (no one uses front doors on farms out here) we use the door off the kitchen. Anyway I have big plans for the future but I'm gleaning all kinds of ideas from you and other bloggers. Thanks for the inspiration! Have a great weekend...:)

  2. Awwww, Peaches! My Duke (the same color/breed) is also a rescue. And yes...he OWNS us! :)

  3. If mine said I was elegant, confident and intelligent I would be happy. I hope that mine, in my last place, said 'welcome' too, like this gorgeous place. Who wouldn't feel welcome with such a lovely pup. A-M xx

  4. Right now my front entry wouldn't look so good. It needs painting. But we rarely ever use it. That can't be an excuse!

  5. i know what i wish my entry said. but i know it screams - these people wear a lot of flipflops!

