Monday, July 26, 2010

Landscape Design

Almost 3 decades designing landscapes, writing books, hosting my own CBS TV show, national lecturing & national awards. Guess what I won't do? Wing it in my own little garden. In the beginning, & too long after, I did.
Winging it wasn't getting me beauty of the ages, low maintenance, color all year, views on axis, or Vanishing Threshold.

Like Monet I like to work en plein air, with drawing board, folding table/chair.
On paper, the science & art of Landscape Design meld. Paper also invites the MUSE.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Rosemary Verey's, The Garden In Winter, is my favorite landscape design book. Designing your own landscape? Buy her book. Top pic, beloved rescues Laskett & Henry working on a long distance landscape design in the office.


  1. hi tara,

    you have the cutest paperweights!
    they are paperweights, right?


  2. I'm eagerly awaiting fall propagation and planting. Thank you, for reminding us the power of planning!

    The kitties and your client's Peaches are sooo sweet!
    Have a wonderful Monday,

  3. What ever you do is Pretty.
    I asume you have aa name for kitty, my friend calls her cat kitty. Too hot this week to even think of the flower beds.
    Can't wait till Fall.. yvonne

  4. Henry continues to show his magnificent appeal!
