Saturday, June 19, 2010

That Type

When the actor Jimmy Stewart died in 1997 the obit picture was taken in his garden. Oh, BEAUTY. I, I, me-me-me, I, I, wanted THAT type of garden. Yesterday, Rob Browder, in my garden. Finally met his children. Rob, for almost 2 decades, is the only pruning contractor I refer. Precision Pruning.
Rob's pruning is so natural it looks like G*d pruned. But, dahlings, you must write G*d a check.

Hard to imagine I knew Rob about 10 (ok maybe 4) girlfriends before he met his ex-wife. I was thrilled to finally meet his children.

And I shot them in the exact type of garden Jimmy Stewart had.

It was a tough day with Rob & his men. Deep pruning to all the Daphne. And Rosemary. So deep. I couldn't watch.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Bottom pic is my favorite. If you are in the metro Atlanta area reading this, yes, you want Rob pruning your garden.


  1. Adorable children. I wish Rob a Happy Father's Day!
    And I can never be around when pruning is taking place!

  2. Oh yeah...I know that kind of "close your eyes...can't watch" deep pruning!

    Send him and his cute kids my way...will ya?!

  3. Wonderful post. I should be out pruning instead of typing here. He's too far away for me. I doubt there is a landscaper around here who knows how to properly prune.

    I met a man once who hired his pruning done and mowed his own lawn because he couldn't be pleased. I am the opposite. Mowing is mowing, pruning varies.
