Saturday, June 26, 2010

Surprises Tucked In

Adirondack chairs as focal points. Easy. Unless, perhaps, you've put too much junk in your garden?
Oakleaf Hydrangea blossom stealing the spotlight.

Tucked in, above, I adore old watering cans.
A little surprise, tucked in, seen when you sit in my adirondack chair. Placement matters, poppets. Sometimes 2" matters.
Don't create the gravest of garden cliches; all your baubles fighting to be seen AT ONCE. Ugh.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken this month in my garden. Again, you realize I do not like styled pics? When a design is good no need to style your pictures. Bottom pic: shot pea gravel, gray Cherokee flagstone edging & oakleaf hydrangea spilling over. Aaaaaah, love it. Calms me. Ha, whatever works, right?
cliche: trite, hackneyed, desperate...............


  1. Quite right...I have little things "tucked in" here and there in my garden/yard..I am always tempted to add more, but resist, with thoughts of people's yards that look like garden shops.

  2. Wondrerful Tara...I agree, tucked in here and there is the best. I like the garden to speak for itself...


  3. A garden chair to sit and lean back definitely needs an ample breathing space and undisturbed view that stretch far. Have a nice day, ~bangchik

  4. You, me the same.

    I love old watering cans.

  5. Gorgeous images, and I totally agree- let the plants carry the show with only an occasional accessory tucked here and there.....nice!

  6. We're totally coveting a pair of white Adirondack chairs for the front lawn. Miss you!! Hope we can swing St. Louis. Let's summon the powers that be!

    Eddie + Jaithan
