Friday, May 28, 2010

Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival

Susanne Hudson & I are creating a garden for the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival, in Douglasville, GA. Saturday, June 5 - Sunday June 6th, 2010.
This chandelier, below, will be in our garden. Along with rescued treasures: rusty, dirty, antique, arcane. And: #89 granite gravel, busts, furniture. Ha, almost forgot, plants too. A tram circles the gardens on tour. Including Susanne's nationally recognized garden, below. Erica Glasener , of HGTV fame, speaks Saturday, 5th and so will I. In the evening there's a garden tour & progressive dinner.
Twice to Douglasville & spend-the-nites with Susanne already, working in our garden. More work days & spend-the-nites ahead.
This is work?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken at Susanne's yesterday morning, yes, a 'work' day morning! She toured me to some of the gardens Wed. evening because I won't have time to see them during the Festival. We were able to have private time with the owners, & their dogs, strolling their gardens after a lite rain. The air cool, fireflies, and scent of jasmine pervasive.


  1. Aren't the hydrangeas glorious this year?!
    I went to one of Penny's lectures years ago when I was just starting to collect my hydrangeas. She was a pip!

    I have a chandelier hung up under my magnolia tree. It's so large we have an old table and chairs under there, and that's often the place for lunch!

  2. Wish I could go and see. Hydrangeas, and all the glorious "decorations" will surely make a heavenly garden. Happy working! xo Lidy

  3. I can't tell you how excited I was to have found your blog....and Susanne Hudson! I've been a fan of Susanne's for years after watching a tour of her beautiful backyard and house on a gardening show here in Wisconsin. I will read your blog from beginning to end! My husband and I are building our retirement "cottage in the woods" and I'm looking for landscape inspiration. I believe I've found it!

  4. So excited for the festival! I can't wait to see all the gardens...I'm in high need of some pretties!

  5. Hi Tara,
    Great to see your posts! I'm from Douglasville too.
    Question, is the photo at the top of your page- the outdoor room- is that at your home? Who designed & built it?
    Hope to meet you soon!
    Jenny Shain
