Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jackie Kennedy & Martina Navratilova

COLONNADE has a new home, below, 10 acres, 3 children & is new to gardening. Asked what she liked, COLONNADE produced pics & ideas of Rosemary Verey's. COLONNADE is an intuitively wise gardener. Verey was one of the greats.

COLONNADE, a Jackie Kennedy/Martina Navratilova combo, acquired 3 brothers to help with the gardening.

3 baby goats, above, nibbled my clothes as I designed.
Channeling Rosemary Verey is a delight but most importantly I'm an advocate of COLONNADE's time. COLONNADE will be the one on the tractor, riding mower & etc. She's sourcing equipment now.
Young children are the focal point and her landscape must be pleasure not stress.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken last week. Did you know baby goats have soft fur? And they want lots of petting & attention. Their little voices sweet.


  1. I love the juxtaposition of the textiles & the goats who helped decorate them. You always have a truly an artistic eye.

    Because of you, we are totally removing the foundation plantings sitting in front of the dining room window of single story house, which we recently bought as a bow to old age.

    Gardening was so much easier in an ancient brick & stone two storey home, with its historic references & traditions.

  2. What a GREAT project!!!! Show us the "after."
