Monday, May 3, 2010

Greenhouse Contemplation

Greenhouse: old windows, 2"x4"'s, paint, translucent corrugated roofing panels. Not large, perhaps the size of the one, above.
Should I?
An eyesore has revealed itself in my garden; new scope for the imagination.
Yes, a little greenhouse exactly 'there'.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken at Le Jardin Blanc 2 weeks ago. Don't you love the chimney!


  1. YES! YES! YES! do it ..I just had a man come over for an estimate for a sun room ,,,I want that..
    Go for it.


  2. YES! YES! YES! do it ..I just had a man come over for an estimate for a sun room ,,,I want that..
    Go for it.


  3. One of those came with the house when we bought it. It was a great plan: 2x4 framing, aluminum windows for walls and ceiling, gravel over concrete paving stones, corregated roof, electric lights and fan, and gas heat. Very clever and practical. A big tree fell and smashed it to tiny pieces. We never got over it.

  4. Hi Tara,

    Well last spring we started building a little garden room to store our garden tools and misc. stuff. We don't even have a garage here. But luckily before we got too far I decided not to do it. I know me and I know it was just an excuse to fill it with more stuff. So we cleaned out the basement and the tools now fit in there. I think I saved myself a lot of money!


  5. Janet you are very wise. Sadly & expectedly I already have too much stuff. Honestly, was thinking a) get the greenhouse, b) accessorize, c) get rid of what's left over.

    It's a plan, trick is to follow it.

    XO T

  6. I say yes, without hesitation!!

