Saturday, May 15, 2010

Garden Overlook

Taken years ago, below, in England. Who wouldn't want their desk overlooking the garden? Amazing, lovely, delightful (hearing Cole Porter yet?) when life conspires to, indeed, give you one of your desires. Unbidden.
I forgot about this pic; stumbling upon it only last week.
Must get the azaleas pruned to show you my desk-with-garden-overlook. Why tell you about it now, without the pic? Because, dahlings, it's the ANTICIPATION.
These little excitements of anticipation in the garden are a sweetness of life.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. My desk sits by my window. There is a large cerulean blue bird feeder that hangs just outside....and is always crowded... along with wind chimes that graciously perform every time the breeze blows. I never mind sitting at my desk.

  2. Love this image and I love the anticipation- can't wait to see your desk view....

  3. Lovely image! Great idea for the desk overlooking the garden.

  4. You're right. It is the sweetness of life. I wish my desk overlooked the garden. But then I probably wouldn't get much done!
