Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Favorite Landscape Book

5 bookcases line the walls of my office. One of my favorite books, below, Garden Magic by Roy Biles.
Several editions of this book are on my shelves; of my top 10 go-t0 books this is one.
Seeing it displayed in Susanne Hudson's conservatory, above, made me smile in complete understanding.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pic taken last Sunday.


  1. Clever display, by a wonderful
    gardner. looks very good
    I'll look for it,,


  2. Loved hearing about this book. Always like to hear what gardening books people are reading. You should do a post on your favourite books. (If you haven't already?) Just adore this blog. Even if we're not commenting, know that a great many of us are reading!
    Janelle McCulloch xx
    PS Another post ideas could be great film gardens? Did you ever see Last Year in Marienbad?
