Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dogs in the Landscape

Come inside, below, to see adorable signs of a dog.
Our landscapes are stories of ourselves.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken a couple of weekends ago at Susanne Hudson's garden, she has adorable Jack Russells.
When I design a landscape I'm hired to tell the right story. Perhaps the landscape story belongs to a previous owner. Or the story from a past chapter of my client's life.
What story is your landscape telling? Is it your story?


  1. Haha! I was looking for the dog. Just the evidence....

  2. adorable! at least the pooch chewed the handle end

  3. My landscape is telling stories of multiple gardens (short stories or chapters?) in the sun and shade, of growing my own food, of building a life with my wonderful partner and of our dogs.

  4. Tara, very interesting and I love to see that my precious pet is not the only one chewing away!!

    Love your site!

    Art by Karena
