Monday, May 24, 2010

Blogs Feeding the Muse

7 Blogs feeding my creative muse; helpers in my garden ! Velvet & Linen, interiors & gardens. Brooke makes it look easy.
Cote de Texas, mostly interiors. Joni goes in depth & with great pics.
Color Me Happy, fabulous color. Maria shows & tells the why's of color with great business advice too.
A Bloomsbury Life, the title says it all.
Things That Inspire, architecture & interiors & art. Always inspiring & educational.
From the House of Edward, art & words. Beautiful words. Storytelling.
It's About Time, pictures & history with a sure hand. Sometimes the pics are the entire story.
To all of the above I pass along The Beautiful Blogger Award.

Yes, you've guessed I was given a blog award, "Beautiful Blogger Award". Thank you, It's About Time.

The award asks for 7 things you may not know about me:
* I adore geology.
* Crash Test Dummies has been playing in my car for over 2 years. Zero variation.
* Camping in the dunes of Edisto Island is my happy place.
* I thought Venice would be a wasted day on my garden tour. WRONG.
* When wonderful things happen I still want to tell my grandmother. She died in 1983.
* The life I'm living is better than the life I planned.
Designing landscapes, writing books about landscapes, putting together powerpoints about landscapes, lecturing about landscapes each give me something rare on this earth. A sense of timelessness. Moments of pure joy. The eternity now that Joseph Campbell speaks of.
Decades of this work & I can't get enough, still learning, still excited.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics from Susanne Hudson's greenhouse a few weeks ago.


  1. Simply no better garden blog exists. Thanks.

  2. You are so kind!
    Edward and I are blushing!
    I'm off now to download some Crash Test Dummies!!

  3. Vanishing threshold - one of the most transformative ideas in the blog world - got me to see the relationship between architecture, interiors and design in a whole new way! Your blog is an inspiration.

  4. Always nice to see when the unexpected is better than the expected. Basic requirement: the heart must be open!

  5. A preliminary perusal of your site confirms your worthiness of the beautiful blogger award. Congratulations. I am a total amateur on garden design and a new blogger, but I recently did a post on a portion of my garden. I'd love for you to stop by and critique my non-professional efforts! The post is: Thanks...and I will be reading your blog to keep learning!

  6. so happy I have finally "found" you! Lots of great inspiration and ideas to seamlessly blend our interiors with our garden.Lidy
