Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Potent Tool: Repetition

View, below, from a window in the master bath. View, below, from the Garden Room into the lower Woodland Walk.
View, below, from the Music Room into the upper Woodland Walk.

View, below, from the Garden Room onto the Natchez Terrace.

Another view, below, of the Natchez Terrace.

Repetition is a potent landscape design tool. Get you some!
Azalea 'George Tabor' ensorcells my home, and heart, this spring.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken in my garden last Monday.


  1. I love views from inside the house. Your azaleas are gorgeous!

  2. Love your views from inside to outside: the vanishing threshold! I love the azaleas!

  3. Views from a window are some of my favourite shots Tara...these are lovely!

  4. Oh I do love the George Tabor, we have one right outside the front window, and it is lovely now! smiles.

  5. Those pink azaleas look just like mine. Mine are waning now.

  6. The best gardens are the ones you can enjoy as much from the windows as when you're *in* them- this is gorgeous! What kind of azaleas are those?
