Saturday, April 10, 2010


Went to Lowe's for bamboo poles, below. Ha, they were almost $3 ea. Making 5 topiary shapes, 4 poles each, at that price?
Instead I'm using FREE STICKS, neighbors prunings, set at the curb on garbage lawn day. Crape Myrtle sticks are preferred. Though I detest crape murder pruning.
FREE. Yes, love lizard brain thinking !
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Hi Tara,

    Do share your pole/topiary project with us. I have bamboo growing by the tons and love anything with the words bamboo and topiary in it!

    Meanwhile it looks as if I may have to lose about 5 very old (75-85) yr old rose trees to put up our fence. So sad, but in reality they only bloom once a year. Do old roses just quit producing b/c they are tired? Or does it have more to do with the type of rose they are?


  2. Love it! That's my favortie kind of shopping ~ not that I'm cheap, just thrifty! lol
