Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another Chandelier

10pm on a January evening this year, client & friend, SHIPMAN sent an email from Buenos Aires, "Do you want this, $100?" He brought it home in carry-on lugggage. He hung it in my new Butler's Pantry 2 weeks ago adding a dimmer switch too.
SHIPMAN has many fine chandeliers in his garden, home & conservatory. Mine, above, is only about 50-60 years old.
SHIPMAN's garden has been in my books, on my TV show & on garden tours.
He's addicted to plants, chandeliers, antiques, art. His work allows him to scour the globe for treasures. And Atlanta. Whenever there is a DEAL on a fabulous huge plant he calls me. He's an extra set of eyes.
SHIPMAN saw my other chandeliers, bought for the garden, installed instead in my house recently.
Hmm. Maybe I'll be getting more emails from SHIPMAN. It's time my crape myrtles are hung with chandeliers.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. We have 12 wrought iron chandeliers hanging from the trees in the back of our garden area. We light them with candles, whenever we have company for dinner. So beautiful with the woods as a backdrop.

  2. Gasp!!!! Helllooooooo Shipman! O.K....Tara...He can call me ANYTIME! You lucky girl...K

  3. Ooh, I would love for my crepe myrtles to have chandeliers! They are the only shade trees in my side yard where I spend my time.
