Thursday, March 11, 2010


Centuries in Europe before centuries in USA.

Want a tough daffodil?

Narcissus pseudonarcissus. Small yellow blooms, grayish slender foliage. Sometimes called, Lent Lily, for its season of bloom.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Sandra Jonas, landscape designer, has rescued thousands of these daffodils. They're naturalizing a woodland acre of her front garden. Their yellow heads were pelted down by rain drops. 4 hours of hard rainy driving to see her display. No pics except of the one I brought home, above.
Couldn't get you good pics but the rains had no effect enjoying lunch in Sandra's antebellum home. She made stuffed shells using Tomato Earl's tomatoes from her summer garden, a spinach salad, rolls, tea. Desert was vanilla ice cream dressed with figs preserved from her summer garden too. It's ridiculous having no pics of lunch: food, dishes, table, room, daffodil bouquets. Susanne Hudson, Sandra & I had planned this day for YEARS. You know it was good gossip to make me forget pictures. But that's another type of blog entirely!


  1. Yes, it must have been a fabulous time to NOT get many photos! We forgive you.

    Daffodils - - - how I love them. I dug some up from the old place & plopped them in an old calf bucket. I didn't even think to add soil . . . but they are a'blooming!

    There's some tiny ones here . . I'll have to compare to your photo to help determine if they're the same. Or take them to the Extension Agent. We have a new one - - - I guess I can test her out to find out if she's any good!

  2. That is some lovely afternoon. Lunch sounds great and all that
    ambiance of a southern anti-bellum
    home and the flowers Lucky you.

    thanks for sharing. Tell me more??

  3. Oh my! that sounds like fun!

  4. Wonderful day! Thanks for making the drive.
