Wednesday, March 17, 2010


MR. TENNIS adores to ace me. Lovely family, home, garden. I design a fabulous garden, within budget, he ace's back, "Let's put in a stone wall & level the frontyard." Fine. Ha, I was supposed to do that in the 1st budget?
MR. TENNIS, a disciplined man, below, but not rigid. Competitive & athletic.

MR. TENNIS aced me again, he thinks, in his backyard. Yes, "Let's add a stone wall & level the backyard." Ha, that was in this budget?
(Private note: MR. TENNIS I won the district singles 4a championship 2 years in a row. Would have been 3 if I hadn't skipped my senior year of high school. My backhand down the line is wickedly untouchable. If it can't be done I'll aim for your stomach as you approach the net. And I know you will. Tennis is a contact sport for me. I made plenty of girls cry. Ask my sister. It's still amusing visualizing hitting her in the stomach, knocking the air out of her. She rarely played with me afterward.)
MR. TENNIS I notice how you make changes to your landscape plans. Thinking, as I drove to meet MRS. TENNIS yesterday afternoon, he's playing cat & mouse with me. Again.
I first heard of your stone wall last week from my contractor. Of course I asked him if low columns were included. Ha, MRS. TENNIS calls hours later for an appointment. We had a good laugh at your methods.
You will get your stone wall & level backyard. Your ace. It will be gorgeous & affordable. My ace.

(Private note: MR. TENNIS, I remember well the hot, humid afternoon I met you. You acquired me when you married MRS. NEWS. You pulled into your gorgeous drive in that gorgeous car, gorgeous clothes cool from your office, and you did not once take off your gorgeous sunglasses. Ace. Then you married MRS. TENNIS. You kept me in your divorce. My ace.)
Hindsight is hilarious MR. TENNIS. You want a fabulous landscape. I want to create fabulous landscapes. Fate matched us well.
Oh, almost forgot, MRS. TENNIS told me you did some gardening at one of your rental properties. AND YOU LIKED IT. Too bad you didn't see the response. You aced me without knowing it.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

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