Saturday, February 13, 2010


Landscape classicism, below. Landscape designed to obscure era, continent, neighbors, reality.

Looking at my house, above,
looking out my windows, above. I choose to live amongst eras, continents & the moat of grace my garden gives my interiors, and life.
About New York City restaurants in the 60's Andy Warhol said, "They caught on that what people really care about is changing their atmosphere for a couple of hours."
Lame, indeed.
Design choices for interior & landscape create a Vanishing Threshold of changing atmosphere for each moment of life.
Why settle for a couple of hours?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Cell phone pic from my car taken 5pm yesterday. I live in a small cluster home subdivision in a city of millions. Houses are freestanding on tiny lots. Tiny. Ha, myriad homes engulf mine but I've opted out of that reality. And I did it with a tight budget of time & money.


  1. That view out your window could be a sea fan undewater! Vanishing thresholds...indeed!

  2. I'll give this Atlanta snow a couple more hours of love, then...

  3. Lovely!!!!! What is that gnarly, twisty-branched tree out your window? It's fabulous - Dahlin'!

  4. Thank you Linda, now when I look out my window at the Contorted Filbert I see a Sea Fan Underwater.

    I'm quite boastful of my Contorted Filbert. 15 years old & the best for its age on the North American continent?

    By accident! It grew too large for its space. Instead of moving a HAPPY plant I pruned it from the bottom. Now, anyone can walk under its canopy.

    Gave it faster growth & a delightful form.

    XO T

  5. Okey dokey - I'm in the market for a Contorted Filbert! And know not to plant it too close to the house. It really is fabulous & I take your word that it's the best on the NA continent! :)
