Thursday, January 7, 2010


Lanterns, below, are my newest fetish since visiting Susanne Hudson's garden.Several Smith/Hawken going-out-of-business sale lanterns are awaiting styling in my garden. Candles? Sale candles of course. Thrift store, above, too. For pennies on the dollar I have no shame in unmatched candles. Prices above? Further reduced, 75% off.
Sure the open garden or garden pic you'll see matched candles. Perhaps melted unmatched wax & an empty wine bottle with a dropped linen napkin.
A perfect garden isn't my goal. I want a fabulous garden to feed my soul, delight my eye & challenge my intellect.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Perhaps it's semantics, but I totally agree with you. Perfect is BORING; fabulous is fantastic.

  2. Can you put regular candles in the garden? I always figured they'd melt in the heat and you'd need to use the ones designed for outside. Or is that a gimmick to get us to buy the ones that say for outside?

  3. Love it! Who needs perfect?! I want soul wrapping too!

  4. ***A perfect garden isn't my goal. I want a fabulous garden to feed my soul, delight my eye & challenge my intellect.***

    What a fantastic thought.


  5. Tara, I love hearing your perspective and how you relate interiors to gardens! Makes so much sense!!

  6. I'm must be at the wrong place at candle sales. When we get candles and gifts, the scented ones always go outside on the porch.

    P.S. Tara, would you have any suggestions for my pile of river birch logs? See the bottom pictures.

  7. I also agree with you, my garden doesn't have to be perfect, but I do perfer that it pleases me.

  8. I love candles in the garden, and really love your thoughts on them!
