Monday, January 11, 2010


She's art. A SEA QUEEN for the garden. I have heads & I have shells.
Alas. Talent to combine shells & head? To be determined.
It begins. Lust. Discovered her at Scott's over the weekend. No clue where she'll go in my garden. YET.
Why? 1 focal point/area in the landscape. Create a new garden room? Rotate an existing focal point off exhibit? Perhaps use her as a subsidiary focal point? Yes, this will give weeks of enjoyment. Conniving.
Ha, this too, is gardening.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. I like the concept, it will ad interest in your garden once the weather becomes suitable for enjoying the garden. I'd like to see how it turns out.

  2. Un-stick the head from the sand.

  3. So beautiful, it reminds me of some sculptures we found in Hilton Head that I absolutely DROOLED over! Post a picture when you get it placed, please- I would love to see it installed.
