Friday, January 29, 2010


PECAN ORCHARD has lived across the globe for decades. Now, she's home. In a Georgia pecan orchard, below.Returning home, PECAN ORCHARD made a lifestyle choice. Nature.
Utilizing land & outbuildings for: family, friends, honey bees, dogs, cats, chickens, goats, horses, ponds, potagere, hay, pecans, fruitery, pleasure walk, birding, sports, & more.

PECAN ORCHARD wants to do it herself. Using little outside help.

Her petite muck boots are outside most doors.

Century old outbuildings are being refurbished.

Friends are sharing in her bounty.

And me? Sitting at my folding table/chair en plein aire I drew a concept plan for PECAN ORCHARD. Decades of study, travel, books, designing, contracting, paying attention, being present, successes, failures, joys, tears, stress, serenity, went into PECAN ORCHARD'S garden.
Drawing the concept plan, hours felt like seconds.
Uncovering her garden, seeing what was already there.
Leaving PECAN ORCHARD I felt, surely as Babette did, above, serving her meal.
Magic lies in letting go.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Top, pic from PECAN ORCHARD'S home/garden this week. All other pics from the movie, Babbette's Feast.


  1. Lucky Ms. Orchard.
    One of my favourite movies.

  2. I had Pecan trees growing there
    is something so majestic about them. PLUS! you get pecan pie..


  3. I had Pecan trees growing there
    is something so majestic about them. PLUS! you get pecan pie..
    Never saw that movie.


  4. Ooo, that's daydream material, indeed. Will we be seeing more of Pecan Orchard and it's plans? Please :0)

    Have a great day, Lynea
