Friday, January 1, 2010


Promotional pic, below, for my first book, The Garden View. Taken in my garden tub. Plumbing fixtures from Vintage Tub arrived this week.
The tub is moving inside. Virginia Woolf gave herself a new bathroom with the proceeds from a book. To The Lighthouse is my favorite.
FANTASY: Long, dirty, bruising, bloody happy day of gardening. Drawing warm water, pouring wine, situating Laskett my cat on his stool next to the tub, Edith Piaff & Nina Simone on the cheap radio I adore, & a threadbare To The Lighthouse.
If you aren't bruised & bloody is it gardening? Discovering cuts & bruises, after gardening, is a thrill. I'm so happy gardening I never feel them when they happen.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Love the photograph! Perfect.
    I am happy to learn of your views on gardening injuries. I get scratched up all the time. I also cannot bear to wear gardening gloves, no matter how many pairs my mother gives me.

    Happy New Year. Enjoy Virginia...she's my favourite.

  2. Why ruin a great tub like that by putting in a house? ;^)

  3. Great photo Tara.

    I would love a clawfoot tub in my private sideyard for hot summer days.

    You are right, there is nothing like a soak after a day in the garden.

    I really have to be careful with cuts on my hands because my hands are always on peoples faces at work. They tend to not like sharp, craggy edges! Go figure.

    Happy New Year,


  4. Bruises while gardening are welcome little bruises! Don't you look cute in that tub!

  5. Ha ha - what a perfect promotional idea /I am professionaly dealing with advertising, so I can spot the winner:)/.
    Happy New Year Tara!

  6. I'm dying laughing. That's a perfect promo shot.

    A loss for your garden to bring the tub inside--but how great is it going to be for you? Love the tub.
