Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Oh dear, the perfect garden room, below. Of course I must redesign it to have French doors leading into the garden. And, obviously, a new garden on axis with those French doors. Recognize, below, the house?

A bit of the garden room, below. The perfect urn on plinth. Would look good with/without a planting. Evergreens, so plain, flanking the walk are charming. Not a garden of depth, below, but one with integrity & charm. Recognize the house yet?

In hindsight this house has the first

Vanishing Threshold I've seen. As a child I cried seeing this scene. Still do.
Vanishing Threshold? There is no distinction between inside/outside in the scene, above. And that is exactly what I've created with my house & garden.
Ok, Netflix send me Meet Me In St. Louis! This time I'm watching because of the garden.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. That house is absolutely unbelievably. Isn't it hauntingly gorgeous?

    Thank you, so much, for your amazing questions about our back yard. You have made us pause and actually think about what we are doing and where we are going with our yard. Thank you Tara.

  2. That is one of my all time favorite movies-for Christmas or just to watch!
    On a funny side note; we were on a trolley tour in Savannah, and the driver played, "Clang, clang went the trolley" for a trivia question. Guess who was the only person that knew which movie it was featured in? It was actually kinda embarassing....

  3. I can only dream of livnig in such a gorgeous home! Don't get me wrong, I'm very blessed and comfortable but to have all those windows overlooking gardens ~ ah...

  4. Hi- I'm a new visitor- Found your blog on Mod Vintage Life : ) This is one of my favorite movies of all time- it certainly doesn't hurt that the house and garden are gorgeous!

  5. What a fabulous house! Le rĂªve!
    I just noticed the date of your post - December 09! and then the dates of the previous comments..
    Your post is still appealing - two years later! Thanks for sharing!
