Tuesday, December 8, 2009


She hired me to design her landscape. It included turning a window into French doors leading to a beautiful window encrusted room surrounded on 3 sides by garden. That room would replace
a rotting deck. Ick. Leaving that 1st appointment I saw a book by May Sarton on her bookshelf. Dahlings, anyone loving May Sarton is my bosom friend. I left with borrowed books & a new friend.

Time passed My Dear Lady installed her garden & built the French doors & The Garden Room.

More time passed and My Dear Lady introduced me to her dearest friend. Yes, I designed her garden too.

My Dear Ladies are retired school teachers and owned an antiques business for decades. Driving a used school bus they scoured northern USA for their southern antiques shop. Can't you see My Dear Ladies loading that school bus & driving stuffed with antiques?

Every Saturday nite My Dear Ladies & I are in The Garden Room, above. Wine, canapes & conversation. Always out to dinner late, in a rush, we talk so much. Sometimes, midweek, we convene, as we did last night. Other times we head off to Scott's monthly antique show.
Occasionally we've convened in the hospital, both people & pet!
Last Christmas my family situation 'blew-up'. Being a smart girl I drove to My Dear Ladies & The Garden Room. Ha. We had a fabulous Christmas. Last nite we tenderly broached the subject because we want to do it again. We are.
It was presumptuous telling a client to knock a hole in their wall and build a new room. Little did I know I was designing my own sanctuary.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. What a beautiful room and story. Truly touched my heart. Sometimes family fails and our friends are there to pick us up. I know they have been there for me.


  2. What a serendipitous situation! Good friends & a sanctuary. I'm glad you have both.

    Weather is horrible here today. . . how wonderful for me your "Garden Paths & Stepping Stones" book arrived along w/Jo Kellum's "Southern Shade". Hubby is glad to finally be able to grow azaleas & I'm thrilled to have my childhood Hydrangeas!


  3. Wow. I loved your post. I read it and re-read it. What dear friends your Dear Ladies are. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas all together in The Garden Room.

  4. Thru gardening I've created a full life.

    When I began it was simply liking plants. Mother Nature knew my life, as I knew it, would melt away.

    Thankful I turned to the garden when my so-called-planned-life did, indeed, melt away. What it has brought me is humbling.

    XO T

  5. My great-aunt, gone more than twenty years now, once had a school bus turned into a little house on wheels. I loved that!

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  7. What a touching story, love how the space you designed as your clients sanctuary became one for you as well.....wonderful!

  8. Oh my dear Tara, what a lovely story. Is there anything more precious than friendship? That is your sanctuary.
