Friday, December 4, 2009


He startled me, at my feet, walking quickly to the compost hands full. A face, looking up. My garden, already an enchantment, transitioning from metaphorical to literal? HA!!!
Hanging at the entry on my arbor at the patio, he fell. Long forgotten, perhaps a squirrel knocked him off?
His open mouth? He's a birdhouse hand-made of cast stone with marble eyes & a rough sandy texture. Bought him lecturing in North Carolina almost 15 years ago. A perk of traveling to lecture far from home, UNIQUE LOOT.
I adore it when my garden surprises me!!
What charming surprises has your garden given you?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

1 comment:

  1. My poor garden is going to be surprised itself as it is going to be very cold here tonight. And that is not usually true! Hope I don't lose anything!
