Wednesday, November 25, 2009


A board, mirror, old tools. Each a rescue. What would you do? Susanne Hudson made this, above, mirror. Hung on an outside wall of her carriage house.
I'm 'not crafty' in the least but a mirror I was given & old tools are in my garage (carriage house!)
Continuing with the 'not crafty' fact, I see pine cones on the mirror frame too. Hmm, a glue gun needed. AND, in season I see fresh hydrangea blossoms tucked into the tools & pine cones around the mirror. And, in season camellias................roses...............tea olive................gardenia.................hosta/fern foliage................hellebores.............daffodils.
Wouldn't that be interesting, collecting a year's pics of the garden mirror?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Why on earth would you WANT to be crafty, when you are such an amazing artist/designer?
    I hope you do your project, I'd love to see seasonal photos of it!
