Friday, September 4, 2009


What fun to choose your pathway pattern. This path is obviously professionally done. How can you tell? See the stones cut to fit?
I love that a pattern was chosen but the space

forced it into irregularities within regularity.
A bit of fun. YOU create the path above. Using only free ingredients. YES, baby dolls you read that correctly. Using only free bricks, rocks & whatever.
That's how most landscapes are created. With found materials. And I want YOU to do the work. No fancy, smancy hired labor. You glorying on your knees in the dirt with hands carefully placing the vision of your heart.
Oh my, PUPPET BARBUDA is liking this as a flower show display. Wouldn't it be fun seeing all the different paths?
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Pics taken at Atlanta Botanical Garden last week when I taught a class.


  1. love the mosaic like pattern of the stones and love, love the idea of found project idea!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've got the pickup, Call or email me when you find the free! I stalked one house for a pile of granite from a torn down fence. I knocked nearly every day for month. They already had plans.

  4. I'm down with the challenge Miss Tara. We've got a side yard that's crying out for a path. I want to do something unique and fun and I have absolutely no issue with getting my hands dirty.

    I just have to figure out the free. That is where I fail but I think Craigs List may be a useful resource for me in this respect.

    Always love a good challenge. ;)
