Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Susanne Hudson first electrifies her trees, below, when starting a new landscape. Why? CHANDELIERS ! Her chandliers, above, are on 24/7. Rain, shine, wind, snow, joy.
In Hogansville, GA last week, above, at Born Again Antiques*. I fell for this hot air balloon chandelier.

Hmm? No place for it in my landscape. Yours?
OK, knock out pair of windows at back of my house, build conservatory, hang hot air balloon chandelier. And so begins another country song lament.
* Born Again Antiques, 304 E. Main St., Hogansville, GA 30230, spottedsheep@hotmail.com, has no website, yet. This is not an ad for them. Please, buy the hot air balloon chandelier so I don't!
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. She keeps them on rain or shine! That's brilliant. I bet it's gorgeous. So inspiring.


  2. My Husband is goingt o be so psyched when I tell him that i need yet another chandelier!
