Wednesday, September 30, 2009


LOVE BOAT said, "I don't want any grass, frontyard or backyard, we need places to entertain & play, and flowers & fragrance, but most importantly, there is no time to take care of anything." A Craftsman bungalow, frontyard & backyard, are both blessedly small.
LOVE BOAT significantly enlarged their original Craftsman bungalow keeping the front architecture intact. He, of LOVE BOAT, grew up in this home. His parents, from Cuba, still live here. He & She of LOVE BOAT are in food sales, working from a home office.
He & She of LOVE BOAT have adopted several children. Children truly needing a home. Nanny lives with LOVE BOAT too. With her child. Can you believe the layers of love here?
A friend of LOVE BOAT gave me to them as a gift. Yes, more love.
LOVE BOAT used their home contractor to build their stone terraces. And the plantings? The friend hiring me worked with LOVE BOAT sourcing plants, digging, planting, mulching, watering. More love. (For low maintenance I used only shrubs, trees, groundcovers. No perennials, annuals.)
Now you know why I call this home the LOVE BOAT.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara


  1. Love this Love Boat post and I treasure your note to me and thank you deeply - you've sooooooo encouraged me forward. :-)

    xoxo lylah

    garden shots are scattered throughout

  2. Dear Tara, God bless you for blogging. Whenever I come to visit, look at the pictures and read, all stress is going away. So much peace in your writings.
