Saturday, August 15, 2009


PUPPET BARBUDA loves the Landscape Critique Game. "...this often ridiculous, awkward, unsatisfying and dour melodramatic adaptation."
Above quote by, Manohla Dargis, film review for, The Time Traveler's Wife, in NYTimes.

In what universe are those cheap white plastic (Fiberglass? You really think they would spend that money?) pots acceptable as landscape design at the front of this home? And they didn't know to buy a black hose? (Black hoses disappear at a distance.) And the concrete? At the very least why wasn't it stained before pouring? No, won't mention the expensive door and cheap pendant light.

Attaching art critiques to landscapes. Cheap amusement. Enjoyed for years.
PUPPET BARBUDA? Who's she? Oh dearies, she's my inner landscape design critic. Her name? Well. Hmm. Won't go there at the moment.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
photo courtesy, Ugly House Photos.


  1. I agree totally! And if I see another big McMansion with a trampoline big as life next to it or even in back I shall scream!

  2. Oh Puppet Barbuda, I must email you the address of a home in Atlanta that is a shocking example of lots of money spent on the home, but nothing left for the landscaping.

    I remember reading something from Saladino - and I have mentioned this to you before - how some people will spend more on a rug for their house (when designing and building a house) than on the landscape plan and implementation.
