Monday, August 17, 2009


ZARKO has grown up in this home in Pazin, Croatia. Embraced by history, land, books, cooking, music, technology, wildlife, family.
ZARKO is an old soul. Singing Carmen at age 5, wearing his sister's dress.

ZARKO made these photographs of his home.

His mother's hands, above, at a new stone table in the garden.

Sunflowers ZARKO grew.

ZARKO recently won a state horticulture competition. His plans are landscape architecture at university. ZARKO is staying several weeks with SPO & CAPE COD this summer. He's the beloved nephew/son SPO never had.
Adding to SPO's landscape design Friday included ZARKO. He'll build a dry-stack stone wall, & a short flagstone path, on axis from living room seating to views thru the glass frontdoor. And the flagstone seating area cut into the slope for 2 Adirondack chairs shown yesterday.
SPO is sweeter than I. She asked ZARKO if he wanted to work in the garden. He's a kindred spirit so I knew, without hesitation, yes he wants to build stone walls & terraces in her garden.
English is new to ZARKO and how he uses it is humbling. I sent ZARKO a few questions last night knowing I wanted to post his pics for you.
Below, ZARKO in his own words.

"Around my house growing willow, buxsus, larch, euonimus, forzicia, siringa, wild lemon, hydragea, cedar, from fruit tree I have a apple, plum.
I have 18 years I am born Jan/11 1991.
The competition name was Hortus-this was state competition. Agronomy school of unyversity of Zagreb concetration in landscape arhitecture!!!
Garden for me is place where I feel comfortable and it calms me. The garden is for me an essential part of life as only it can bring the body and mind in the stage of satisfaction and happiness. It will be like in the garden and tries something new, or growing, or attempt to produce something my.
Garden is usually a reflection of a man and his way of life.
I love the relationship between the garden and the house which is to breathe as one, must be connected.
In the garden I also like What is life coming insects, animals that I love.
garden can be a lot to do, very different styles, such as a small artistic work,and I love in gardens because it can turn into something completely different with a little effort.
Cooking is my second to do that also is very interesting and full of new things that will constantly discover. I love experimenting and trying to make up your prescription. Cooking is especially because it does not need too much effort just imagination. Cooking is interesting because it can be synchronized with the garden, you cook food what you have in the garden. I was just interesting to create something from nothing
.I and the music we have on you, I have a lot of rhythm, which sometimes have to spend in the club. my taste for music is diverse like that music is good quality and that is interesting. I love all things depending on the situation of. I do not have anyone who is my favorite, just like everything.
My ideal career would be to work individually and to have some sort of freedom in the work .. but I would work on the design of gardens, and leisure would work in my garden that would certainly be perfect.
I steel don't now my ideal job, I have not thought that far! but of course to me to abstain, and a bit of selfishness,and of course that I'm not poor."
Sentences ringing of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. From a teenage Croatian boy learning English. Again, ZARKO humbles me. And to his parents? Thank you. SPO? Thank you.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

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