Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Crape Myrtles do not, DO NOT, need whacking. Prune to shape but DO NOT WHACK.
This is my Crape Myrtle at Stone Mountain Park at the Walk-Up Trail. Blooms are fragrant in the morning only. Interesting.
Blossoms on the ground? Know what they're called?
The Snows of Summer.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
For those outside the zone of crape myrtles I am showing off aren't I? But you must appreciate our zone is not friendly to peonies. Which should not be in the realm of possibility.


  1. I jokingly tell friends and clients that one of my goals in life is to bring an end to Crape Murder. I love this time of year when Crape Myrtles are in full bloom. Just like your photo shows, a mature, naturally shaped tree in full bloom puts to shame every whacked and murdered tree.

  2. You can get Crepe Myrtles to fit can't you, so you aren't tempted to prune them?
    In my neighborhood there is what I think is a triple myrtle: 3 different varieties planted together. One short, one medium, one tall, each in a different color.

    Spent blooms of the Yoshino Cherry in the spring: If it's a little damp we track them all tough the house.

  3. too cut back or not to cut back - that is the question.
    Well, that is one beautiful crepe myrtle!
    I say leave them alone!

  4. I so agree. Nothing worse than "crepe murder"! Yikes.
