Saturday, July 11, 2009


Arching entry to my back terrace a pair of crape myrtle 'Natchez' delight daily. Especially July 4th when their bark begins peeling. Though this year they were 4 days early.
Not only visual it's soothing, mesmerizing, slowly pulling strips of bark away. Have you ever peeled crape myrtle bark? Is it a secret pleasure?
Few crape myrtles boast the bark colors of L. 'Natchez'. Rain intensifies the colors. The blooms are white. Their shade is intense. Birds adore this tree. And, my, do they grow fast. Water? Ha, best of the drought tolerant trees.
L. 'Natchez' is one of the largest crape myrtles. Site properly and never perform Crape Murder. Do not whack these beauties.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

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